About us









The Celestial Church of Christ (CCC) is a Pentecostal church in the Aladura movement, which was founded by Samuel Oshoffa on 29 September 1947 in Porto-NovoBenin. It has spread from West Africa to countries in Europe, such as Belgium, France, and the United Kingdom, but a number of its parishes are located in Nigeria, particularly in Lagos and Ogun State.

Oshoffa was a former carpenter born in Dahomey (now Benin) in 1909. Raised as a Methodist, he had a divine revelation while lost in a forest on 23 May 1947 during a solar eclipse. (The nearest recorded solar eclipse visible in Africa occurred on May 20, not May 23, of that year.) He felt called to pray, to heal the sick, and to raise the dead. He founded his church in September 1947. Having appointed himself Prophet, Reverend, Pastor, and Founder, he occupied the highest office of his movement. The hegemony he exercised on doctrine and discipline issues made succession difficult when he died in 1985 in Lagos, Nigeria.

The CCC was recognized and authorized by the Republic of Dahomey in 1965. From 1976, the church launched an evangelistic campaign in that country, a former colony of French West Africa, which had become independent in 1960. From the late 1990s, the CCC church has utilized the internet as a means of evangelization, thus allowing the many existing branches of the church within the African diaspora in such nations as the United KingdomGermanyAustriaFrance and the United States, to maintain contact with each other and with Nigeria, the nation in which the CCC is currently most popular.

Celestial Church of Christ , Christ Glory Parish, Manchester, United Kingdom is an offspring of our mother parish and we do adhere to all the commandments and tenets as stated below.



  1. All true Celestians are expected to keep all the commandments of God as written in Exodus 20.

  2. All true Celestians are not expected to walk late into the night except under condition.
  3. All true Celestians are not expected to commit adultery neither should they fornicate.
  4. All true Celestians are not expected to drink alcohol nor anything that will intoxicate their body system.
  5. All true Celestians are not expected to smoke cigar, cigarette, pipe, tobacco, marijuana; neither should they get high.
  6. All true Celestians are not expected to seek any outside spiritual help, either from the occultists, herbalists, sorcerers, mind-readers nor anything to do with their source.
  7. All true Celestians are not expected to wear red or black apparel materials.
  8. All true Celestians men are not allowed to grow beard.
  9. All true Celestians women are not allowed in and around the church premises during their monthly circle until their eighth day when they shall come in for proper sanctification.
  10. All Celestians are not expected to eat all the forbidden meat; such as Pork, Ham, Bacon, Snails, Snakes and others as listed in Leviticus.




I believe in God the father Almighty


Maker of heaven and earth


And in Jesus Christ His only son our lord


Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost


Born of the virgin Mary


Suffered under Pontius Pilate


Was crucified, dead and buried


He descended into hell


The third day he rose again from the dead


He ascended into heaven


And sitteth on the right hand of God the father almighty


From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead


I believe in the Holy Ghost


The Celestial Church of Christ


The communion of saints


The forgiveness of sins


The resurrection of the body


And the life everlasting. Amen